Sunday, February 13, 2011

Hacking Pokemon Colosseum

meatloaf with cabbage CABBAGE BAKED FILLET

The cold and wet months to continue for a while to delight, in exchange, the cabbage will still be on the shelves of vegetables, so why not cook a nice soft loaf to eat and enough economico rispetto a delle fettine di carne molto più insipide.
Bisogna lavorare un poco di più, perderci un poco di tempo, ma alla fine sarete compensati anche da chi non ama dover masticare dei cibi troppo duri. E qui mi riferisco non solo agli anziani, ma anche ai bambini abituati ormai soltanto agli hamburger!

INGREDIENTI per 6 persone: cavolo verza 1 (circa gr 600); patate lesse gr 150; carne di manzo macinata gr 350; carne di maiale macinata gr 350; pane secco gr 100; mortadella gr 100;uova 2; concentrato di pomodoro 1 cucchiaio colmo; vino rosso corposo 1 bicchiere; formaggio parmigiano grattugiato gr 100; prezzemolo 1 ciuffo; olio extra vergine d'oliva q.b.; farina q.b. per infarinare il polpettone; 50 cc milk, 2 stalks celery, 2 carrots, 1 onion, salt, bouillon cubes 1 / 2.

PROCEEDINGS Boil the potatoes in a saucepan with lightly salted water, peel, mash and keep aside. Chop in a blender carrot, celery and onion and put the mixture in a large saucepan with 2 tablespoons of oil. Brown them on low heat for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and set aside a half in a bowl. Wash, one by one, the leaves of cabbage, dry and cut into thin strips, put them in the pot where there is already half of the mixture, add a teaspoon of salt and cook over high heat, stirring, add the wine and let evaporate, add tomato paste (make sure it is not Chinese, so you always read the label must contain 100% Italian product ), stir and cook for 5 minutes, then remove from heat.
now prepare meatloaf: In a small dish to wet the bread with milk, soak it and wring it out by removing the excess milk. In a large bowl put the eggs, beat them with two forks, add the Parmesan, parsley, squeezed bread, the mashed potatoes, meat, stir the mixture and add the sausage chopped into tiny parts and half the fried held aside.
Stir again to mix all components thoroughly, then form a loaf about 5 cm in diameter, about 20 cm long.
can facilitate the formation of your sculpture using aluminum foil just oiled. Pass the meatloaf in the flour and then lay it in a pan with 3 tablespoons of oil. Without damaging it, with the aid of two wooden pallets with extreme delicacy, you start to cook it over medium heat, turning a few degrees at a time, up to cook at all. It will take about ten minutes.
Then remove the pan from the heat and let cool.
In an ovenproof dish, then bring to the table, put the cabbage already cooked, put on the already browned meatloaf in all its parts, add 300 cc of broth (made with water and half nut), cover with aluminum foil sealing it on the board, and cook for one hour at 180 degrees.
Serve when hot.


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