Thursday, February 17, 2011

Ceragem Locations Canada


Someone named her fine pizza, but pizza is actually a very special, it needs a lot of care and attention in preparing it, but the result is outstanding and of great effetto e di ottimo sapore. E' qualcosa di molto diverso da una normale brioche o da una pizza rustica .

Se avete voglia di cimentarvi seguite alla lettera le mie istruzioni e non ve ne pentirete.

INGREDIENTI : (se offerta con l'aperitivo va bene anche per 8/10 persone, altrimenti per 4) farina gr 250; burro gr 150; uova 5; lievito di birra gr 20; zucchero 1 cucchiaio raso; fiordilatte gr 300 (la mozzarella contiene troppa acqua); prosciutto crudo gr 150; olio extra vergine 3 cucchiai; parmigiano grattugiato gr 100; pomodori freschi o pelati gr 500; basilico 10 foglie; sale; (pepe 1 pizzico per chi lo gradisce, io no!); aglio 1 spicchio.

PROCEDIMENTO on the work surface, place the flour. In the middle is the butter into small pieces (remove from the refrigerator a couple of hours earlier), two eggs, a pinch of salt and the yeast dissolved in a bottom of the cup with warm water. With her hand start to knead butter and collecting eggs gradually the flour from the inner edge. When all ingredients are well blended add the first two eggs and incorporate them. Begin to work the dough with both hands and banging it on the work surface until you become elastic and will come off the table in one piece. Then incorporate the sugar dough, working a few more minutes, until well distributed and deposited in a large bowl, floured the dough. (The sugar will facilitate further rise). The dough will rise at least twice its original volume and then the bowl will be quite high otherwise the dough deborderà. Cover it with a dry cloth and allow to rise in a warm place for at least a couple of hours. (It might fit the roof of the refrigerator, where it comes from the hot air heat exchanger that is located on the back of the refrigerator in contact with the wall).
Meanwhile, cut the mozzarella into thin strips and so is the ham. Grate the cheese.
Open the box of peeled tomatoes, set aside (in an empty jar of jam) all the liquid of vegetation that can serve in another recipe, and cut into strips i pomodori, eliminando semi e liquido. Quindi tagliare a striscie i pomodori e adagiarli dolcemente senza romperli in una padellina con l'olio e l'aglio tagliato in tre pezzi e fare cuocere per un paio di minuti senza danneggiarli con il mestolo od altro, quindi eliminare i pezzi d'aglio.

Quando, trascorso il tempo, la pasta sarà ben gonfia, batterla leggermente con il palmo della mano per farla un pò sgonfiare e capovolgerla sul piano da lavoro ben infarinato. Dividere la pasta in due parti: due terzi ed un terzo. ( con la prima formerete il fondo ed il bordo, con la seconda il coperchio).
Sarebbe consigliabile usare per la cottura in forno uno stampo con la cerniera apribile, per facilitare l'uscita della pizza senza damage when it is cooled a bit

Oil or grease the baking mold (diameter 20/25 cm) and put the pizza dough on the bottom (two thirds), spread out and form a high edge-to-cord All around, that is like a big bowl. Pasta lying on the bottom half of the distribute slices of mozzarella and on this, with the help of a spoon, the strips of freshly cooked tomato, without soiling the dressing the edge otherwise you will pay more to cover. the threads of tomatoes to put the strips of ham and finish with a second layer of slices of mozzarella. On this spread grated cheese filling.
Open the last egg in a bowl, whisk a little with the brush and brown the edge of the board you have to be vacated or other seasonings, then to facilitate the gluing of the cover.

hours Take the remaining piece of dough, spread it with a rolling pin on floured work surface just formed a disk and cover the pizza. Giving the edge and pinch the dough to the lid, make sure that sticking to well match, then put the pizza to rise again in warm place.

After about an hour, will rise once and then with the beaten egg that has been ( not throw anything away), with the brush, using very lightly to keep it from deflating, brown superficially cover risen, then bake at 140 degrees for 30 minutes.

Pull it out of the oven, if you have used the stanpo zip, open it and let it slip into a serving dish pizza, always with care, otherwise the mold upside down, take out pizza and then turn it over again, to present guests with the top up.
eat it still warm, at best lukewarm.


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