Tuesday, March 15, 2011

How To Clean Up After Streph Throght

Incubo nucleare

Da un articolo di Giuseppe Onufrio su Cado in piedi .
Il terremoto che ha colpito il Giappone è di sismicità spropositata, è un evento molto raro. Tuttavia questo evento spiega esattamente la natura del rischio nucleare. I reattori nucleari in Giappone erano progettati fino al 1995 per resistere a un terremoto di scala 6,5. Nel 95, dopo il terremoto di Kobe che arrivò a 7,2, sono stati progressivamente ristretti e resi molto più stringenti gli standard sismici. Ma è importante tener presente che la tecnologia può cercare di ridurre la probabilità che una certa catena di eventi accada, non la può eliminare del tutto. E allora what is the problem? The problem is that the new reactors, the EPR, which are constructed in a manner better than those who are jumping in the air in Japan, have a size twice the unit 3 of Fukushima are reactors that are almost four times the size in terms of power and then in terms of material and ability to contain the radioactivity.
The nuclear risk has two elements: the probability that certain things happen and the extent of possible consequences. You can work on probability, but until now the magnitude of the consequences in reality has been increasing and that none of the technologies we offer today is inherently safe. Che vuole dire intrinsecamente sicura? Vuole dire che se succede un guasto, il reattore in maniera passiva si mette in una posizione di sicurezza: no. Qui siamo sempre con la necessità di una vigilanza attiva e di sistemi attivi di controllo.
Che cosa è successo a Fukushima? A Fukushima è successa una situazione simile, più che a Chernobyl, a Three Miles Island e cioè il problema è stato causato dal terremoto. Un terremoto produce due tipi di effetti sul reattori: uno sono gli effetti strutturali, ossia si possono rompere le condutture, c'è una perdita di liquido di raffreddamento, il reattore si surriscalda e rischia di scoppiare. La seconda cosa è che, anche se la struttura ha tenuto, cosa che è successo nel caso di Fukushima 1, lo tsunami ha messo fuori gioco i generatori diesel di emergenza, conseguentemente il reattore è rimasto senza elettricità e, senza elettricità, il sistema delle pompe non ha funzionato. In particolare per quel tipo di reattore il sistema delle pompe era azionato in corrente continua ed è successo che il reattore ha cominciato a surriscaldarsi.
Che cosa accade quando un reattore si surriscalda? Quando un reattore si surriscalda succede questo: dobbiamo pensare a un bollitore con delle barre lunghe quattro metri che hanno una camicia di zirconio - lo zirconio è un metallo particolare - una lega di zirconio che si usa perché lo zirconio è abbastanza trasparente ai neutroni che vengono sparati dalla reazione and uranium in particular. Overheating causes the merger, may cause the opening of the shirt, these shirts are in the pads of nuclear fuel began to leak and then the child elements of fission, cesium 137 and iodine 131. Zirconium also has a problem: it is used because it is very useful from the point of view, nuclear engineer, since it is virtually transparent to neutrons, but reacts with water and creates hydrogen from water, hydrogen, being lighter , salt, and then we have these pots. In the case of the Fukushima internal pressure was double or more than double the project, then what have they done? They vented the steam which also contained hydrogen as a gas, hydrogen goes to the roof and at one point it expands and explodes, then started the first third of the building, it seems, without damaging the pot, the so-called vessel.
Now, in case of meltdown, what happens? That these shirts are opened and the tablets of fuel began to circulate inside the reactor, which is why the risk? The risk is that they go into the bottom of the reactor and become uncontrollable. ll reactor is controlled by rods made with boron which are put inside the reactor to absorb neutrons, but if these pills end up at the bottom should continue while pumping water to cool and, in addition, boric acid is put into circulation, which is always a compound of boron, which has the same effect to absorb neutrons, otherwise it happens that we are moving towards a condition in which the core melts. The reaction, so out of control and there may be a significant release of radioactivity.
Unlike Chernobyl reactor does not contain this type of graphite: graphite is as the lead of our pencils, is used in reactors like Chernobyl to slow down the neutrons, while here we use the water, which has the dual function to cool and slow down neutrons to increase the likelihood that the nuclear fission reaction is sustained. We are faced with a technology that essentially is inherently insecure We in Europe, near the gates of Italy, a reactor, to Krusk, in Slovenia, which is exactly on an earthquake fault. I think there the reactor has been designed to withstand a Richter scale of Grade 5, we must keep in mind that the Richter scale is a logarithmic scale, and then between 5 and 6 there are thirty levels of more power, more or less.
What does it mean? It means that nuclear power is a big risk and we do not need. Today in Europe the debate on a scenario in 2050 is entirely based on renewable sources has been discussed at the technical level and also in economic terms, renewables still cost a bit 'more, but do not cost more than nuclear power. When they tell us that nuclear must be done because it saves on phone bills tell a falsehood, because the costs of nuclear plants have been growing in all these decades and today the new facilities have costs that are at least double compared to what we said Enel in Italy. With nuclear
we face a risk that can not be eliminated, despite these new third-generation reactors, the EPR.
Meanwhile we have to tell those who listen to us that these EPR reactors there is not even in an office at the time, there are two sites in Europe, one in Finland and one in France, there is a shipyard in China, these EPR reactors are new and have many problems in the sense that the projects are still under examined from the standpoint of security. For one thing, the security agencies of France, the United States, England and Finland have not yet adopted the system drive the system in case of emergency. We say that the EPR, at least looking at the project, it is more robust than those that are skipped in Japan, but remember that in the Finnish shipyard were observed at least 3,000 violations of safety and there have been major problems in the welds of the primary circuit. It was discovered only a year after the French company that was working on the concrete structure of the reactor had made out the welding standard, which for years has worked without the security officer on site and were given a series problems with contracts and subcontracts, with works made out of standard. Some of these things are rectified, but we do not know to what extent are correct: the project is one thing and one thing is what is done on site.
When you say that in 50 years may not be enough fossil fuels than they tell you the truth, but a lie from the point of view of nuclear power, because it is not that uranium, on which this technology is still based, is exhausted after gas or, even worse, after coal. For more what I mean is that nuclear produces only electricity, so it's not that we get rid of uranium from oil: a large part of oil products is used in transport, uranium produces electricity and is the same thing that makes solar, or photovoltaic that can produce biomass and wind energy. Today the country has to choose and we see that on the one hand the government is destroying the market for renewable energy in Italy and the other began to speak of nonsense: nonsense like that, for example, to reassure the public about what is happening in Japan.
All the while the French and the Americans, who know the nuclear much better than we have told their citizens to leave. E 'yesterday's news that the U.S. Seventh Fleet which was offshore, 160 km off after the accident at sea, are turning away because they're reporting radioactivity in the air. We have this government that has exceeded the limits of idiocy, starting from the Chairman of the Nuclear Safety, Professor Veronesi, that nonsense has fired more than one: one, that we attacked more macroscopic, is to say that he could sleep with nuclear waste at home, if this happened in Italy if the Italians would follow his example, having to sleep on the night of the nuclear waste would take a collective dose that would result in a year, an increase of 250,000 cases of cancer .
We are in the hands of a government that makes jokes, we know that the prime minister is known to be a big joke in the nuclear field would be better not to make jokes e non dire idiozie come dice il professor Rigotti, sempre dell'Agenzia Nucleare del Politecnico di Milano, che dice delle idiozie cercando di dire che non è successo niente, senza avere nessuna contezza di quello che capita. Credo che dobbiamo tutti pensare che ci sarà un referendum sul nucleare, non è facile portare la gente a votare, perché sappiamo che il referendum è uno strumento visto in maniera un po' scettica. Ritengo però che quest'occasione del referendum sia importante. Proprio per il referendum stiamo raccogliendo le firme per accorpare la data con quella delle amministrative di maggio.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Price Difference Liability Full

Scaliamo la marcia

Intervista Emanuela Provera for Order and freedom to Simone Perotti I fall on standing .

What values \u200b\u200bcan replace the myth of consumerism and productivity at all costs?
"I believe in the possibility to co-exist, each working to social welfare, such as doing things that do not bother, they do not consume that does not pollute, and that if anything can help. I believe in peaceful coexistence, in creativity. I believe that society would improve if the working day was only 5 hours to work a little but everyone. I believe in dialogue and communication. I think especially in training and the school that is set to be psychologically the people, teaching them that they must give up some of the needs for the good interior and collectively. Being and not to consume, to spend time without the anxiety of buying. Understand that objects are transient and have no bearing on our happiness, if not temporarily, but enslave us because we work hard to earn money to buy them. Think, be more just, more silence. Not produce dangerous goods, work in many consistently to dispose of waste. Renovate and beautify the country to welcome tourists who love him and respect him. Things like that ... "Why

representations union, both employers and workers have not been able to transfer and transmit to society the failure of a system that causes consumption and abuse of the area?
"Why have not listened to people like Bianciardi, Pasolini, Berlinguer. Bianciardi wrote "I am opposed" to consumerism. Pasolini has said much on this point, even talking about the value of culture as a selection tool needs. Sull'austerità Berlinguer made his famous speech to the workers, with courage. But nothing. The voices that preach things difficult, hard things that cost, longer routes, they are rarely heard. The responsibility of the Left and the unions is huge. They fought for the rights but not for the duties. Not duties to the community, not only. Duties to oneself. "

Why does the Catholic world, also inspired by an inner, spiritual dimension of the individual, has not taken up the challenge of a strong condemnation of consumerism and material wealth? Indeed, as stated in the book, it has become the most user?
"Why are you sleeping, are full, they have lost the passion of the apostolate, are no longer representative. This world has lost push, grip, with the ground truth of things. You talk about all work, no one who spends a word about how people live work, ie 91% of the population, which use well or badly it does. None raised la voce contro le imprese, contro il patto ormai fallito tra lavoratore e società. Il mondo cattolico sonnecchia, incerto perfino nella condanna. Il mondo si è relativizzato e laicizzato anche e soprattutto per questo».

Il tuo contributo alla mentalità del cambiamento, con i libri "Adesso basta" e "Avanti tutta", è stato importante: hai progetti per il futuro?
«Molti. Facevo progetti quando potevo pensare alla mia vita solo dalle 6 alle 9 di mattina, di notte, in aereo. Figuriamoci adesso che ho 24 ore tutte per me. La marcia è appena iniziata. Io sono uno scrittore, nato per scrivere storie. I miei primi 7 libri sono solo una premessa».

Propellerhead Record Licencenumber Blog


now with the seasons do not understand anymore. Round purple eggplants are available now and are already sliced \u200b\u200band sold in sealed package weight: 480 gr to Euro 1.70 in supermarkets. For the peppers the same consideration, but the price is more or less equivalent.

The greenhouse cultivation, once almost unique heritage of Sicily, are now a little bit everywhere. At least console ourselves that these vegetables will not be at zero km, but almost.

So these considerations led me to propose a new starter, combining a typically Sicilian sauce with egg noodles, cooking stands above the Tiber (do not say the Po). (Do not forget that in Tuscany pasta if it consumes a lot!)

Then egg noodles or buy them already made and ready to boil, or the prepared ancorpiù you if you can pull down from the dusty attic machine of IMP ...., that was donated for the wedding and that you have ever dreamed of using.
Here now is time to dust it so much and have fun, believe me, in no time. If you are a refractory mixture with your hands or you no longer have the machine for the noodles because given way to "A passaappresso," that is recycled in a nutshell you have the gift, then buy a pack of noodles, medium size, and there think again! (If then you have strength, courage and good will with a rolling pin roll it out you should see the following instructions)

INGREDIENTS for 4 people for 400 grams of flour noodles (a little more for work surface), 4 eggs, extra a heaping tablespoon virgin olive oil, 1 teaspoon salt. Or noodles 500 gr. To flavor the noodles: tomato sauce or peeled 800 gr, 2 cloves garlic, eggplant 1 (large), 1 bell pepper (large), Sicilian black olives 50 g (ie NOT Gaeta), chopped 1 bunch parsley, anchovy fillets subt '3 oil, 1 teaspoon capers (well washed), extra virgin olive oil 6 spoonfuls. 1 piece hot pepper if you like.

PROCEDIMENTO : Se volete preparare voi le tagliatelle: mettere la farina sulla spianatoia, ed al centro versare l'olio, il sale, le uova. Incominciare ad impastare con le punte delle dita, poi coinvolgere mano a mano la farina ed impastare a due mani. Dopo cinque minuti di lavoro formare una palla e dopo averla coperta da un panno umido, farla riposare per 30 minuti; intanto dedicatevi al condimento.
In un'ampia padella mettere l'olio, l'aglio tagliato in due pezzi e su fuoco medio, dopo tre minuti di cottura dell'olio, aggiungere la melanzana tagliata a dadini con tutta la buccia,(eliminare il picciuolo, ovviamente). Intanto abbrustolire la pelle del peperone sulla fiamma, quindi eliminarla, (NON mettetelo sotto l'acqua, perde any flavor), remove core and seeds, cut the pepper into small strips and set aside on a plate. Click

fry the eggplant into chunks for 10 minutes, then stir, then add the chopped tomato (or tomatoes), cook another 10 minutes, add the pepper strips, olives, pitted and cut into three pieces, capers, fillets chopped anchovy, chopped parsley with scissors, remove the garlic and remove from heat.
Resume now the pasta, sprinkle on the pastry a little flour. If you have the machine to make the dough, cut the dough into three parts, put in the drawing thicker the dough, begin to make her come out, so reducing the thickness of a tooth and so on. One more step and even thinner, to the minimum thickness allowed by the machine. Sprinkle the dough with a pinch of flour and mixed in where there are rollers that provide cutting. Then we go to choose the thinnest. Cut all the dough, resulting in the noodles and keep them on a towel until time to cook in salted water. If
unfortunate that the machine for the dough THERE 'MORE', spread the dough on work surface with a rolling pin (and strength), when it reached the desired thickness, then roll the whole "pettola" and a sharp knife cut noodles (noodles and why they are called, because they have to be cut, no ..!) in a subtle way ed uguale.

Cuoceteli quindi in acqua salata, scolateli al dente e passateli nella padella con il condimento, rigirateli su fuoco forte per due minuti, quindi trasferiteli nel piatto di portata e serviteli subito.

Dopo tutta questa fatica, un bel piatto abbondante ve li siete meritato!!