Tuesday, March 15, 2011

How To Clean Up After Streph Throght

Incubo nucleare

Da un articolo di Giuseppe Onufrio su Cado in piedi .
Il terremoto che ha colpito il Giappone è di sismicità spropositata, è un evento molto raro. Tuttavia questo evento spiega esattamente la natura del rischio nucleare. I reattori nucleari in Giappone erano progettati fino al 1995 per resistere a un terremoto di scala 6,5. Nel 95, dopo il terremoto di Kobe che arrivò a 7,2, sono stati progressivamente ristretti e resi molto più stringenti gli standard sismici. Ma è importante tener presente che la tecnologia può cercare di ridurre la probabilità che una certa catena di eventi accada, non la può eliminare del tutto. E allora what is the problem? The problem is that the new reactors, the EPR, which are constructed in a manner better than those who are jumping in the air in Japan, have a size twice the unit 3 of Fukushima are reactors that are almost four times the size in terms of power and then in terms of material and ability to contain the radioactivity.
The nuclear risk has two elements: the probability that certain things happen and the extent of possible consequences. You can work on probability, but until now the magnitude of the consequences in reality has been increasing and that none of the technologies we offer today is inherently safe. Che vuole dire intrinsecamente sicura? Vuole dire che se succede un guasto, il reattore in maniera passiva si mette in una posizione di sicurezza: no. Qui siamo sempre con la necessità di una vigilanza attiva e di sistemi attivi di controllo.
Che cosa è successo a Fukushima? A Fukushima è successa una situazione simile, più che a Chernobyl, a Three Miles Island e cioè il problema è stato causato dal terremoto. Un terremoto produce due tipi di effetti sul reattori: uno sono gli effetti strutturali, ossia si possono rompere le condutture, c'è una perdita di liquido di raffreddamento, il reattore si surriscalda e rischia di scoppiare. La seconda cosa è che, anche se la struttura ha tenuto, cosa che è successo nel caso di Fukushima 1, lo tsunami ha messo fuori gioco i generatori diesel di emergenza, conseguentemente il reattore è rimasto senza elettricità e, senza elettricità, il sistema delle pompe non ha funzionato. In particolare per quel tipo di reattore il sistema delle pompe era azionato in corrente continua ed è successo che il reattore ha cominciato a surriscaldarsi.
Che cosa accade quando un reattore si surriscalda? Quando un reattore si surriscalda succede questo: dobbiamo pensare a un bollitore con delle barre lunghe quattro metri che hanno una camicia di zirconio - lo zirconio è un metallo particolare - una lega di zirconio che si usa perché lo zirconio è abbastanza trasparente ai neutroni che vengono sparati dalla reazione and uranium in particular. Overheating causes the merger, may cause the opening of the shirt, these shirts are in the pads of nuclear fuel began to leak and then the child elements of fission, cesium 137 and iodine 131. Zirconium also has a problem: it is used because it is very useful from the point of view, nuclear engineer, since it is virtually transparent to neutrons, but reacts with water and creates hydrogen from water, hydrogen, being lighter , salt, and then we have these pots. In the case of the Fukushima internal pressure was double or more than double the project, then what have they done? They vented the steam which also contained hydrogen as a gas, hydrogen goes to the roof and at one point it expands and explodes, then started the first third of the building, it seems, without damaging the pot, the so-called vessel.
Now, in case of meltdown, what happens? That these shirts are opened and the tablets of fuel began to circulate inside the reactor, which is why the risk? The risk is that they go into the bottom of the reactor and become uncontrollable. ll reactor is controlled by rods made with boron which are put inside the reactor to absorb neutrons, but if these pills end up at the bottom should continue while pumping water to cool and, in addition, boric acid is put into circulation, which is always a compound of boron, which has the same effect to absorb neutrons, otherwise it happens that we are moving towards a condition in which the core melts. The reaction, so out of control and there may be a significant release of radioactivity.
Unlike Chernobyl reactor does not contain this type of graphite: graphite is as the lead of our pencils, is used in reactors like Chernobyl to slow down the neutrons, while here we use the water, which has the dual function to cool and slow down neutrons to increase the likelihood that the nuclear fission reaction is sustained. We are faced with a technology that essentially is inherently insecure We in Europe, near the gates of Italy, a reactor, to Krusk, in Slovenia, which is exactly on an earthquake fault. I think there the reactor has been designed to withstand a Richter scale of Grade 5, we must keep in mind that the Richter scale is a logarithmic scale, and then between 5 and 6 there are thirty levels of more power, more or less.
What does it mean? It means that nuclear power is a big risk and we do not need. Today in Europe the debate on a scenario in 2050 is entirely based on renewable sources has been discussed at the technical level and also in economic terms, renewables still cost a bit 'more, but do not cost more than nuclear power. When they tell us that nuclear must be done because it saves on phone bills tell a falsehood, because the costs of nuclear plants have been growing in all these decades and today the new facilities have costs that are at least double compared to what we said Enel in Italy. With nuclear
we face a risk that can not be eliminated, despite these new third-generation reactors, the EPR.
Meanwhile we have to tell those who listen to us that these EPR reactors there is not even in an office at the time, there are two sites in Europe, one in Finland and one in France, there is a shipyard in China, these EPR reactors are new and have many problems in the sense that the projects are still under examined from the standpoint of security. For one thing, the security agencies of France, the United States, England and Finland have not yet adopted the system drive the system in case of emergency. We say that the EPR, at least looking at the project, it is more robust than those that are skipped in Japan, but remember that in the Finnish shipyard were observed at least 3,000 violations of safety and there have been major problems in the welds of the primary circuit. It was discovered only a year after the French company that was working on the concrete structure of the reactor had made out the welding standard, which for years has worked without the security officer on site and were given a series problems with contracts and subcontracts, with works made out of standard. Some of these things are rectified, but we do not know to what extent are correct: the project is one thing and one thing is what is done on site.
When you say that in 50 years may not be enough fossil fuels than they tell you the truth, but a lie from the point of view of nuclear power, because it is not that uranium, on which this technology is still based, is exhausted after gas or, even worse, after coal. For more what I mean is that nuclear produces only electricity, so it's not that we get rid of uranium from oil: a large part of oil products is used in transport, uranium produces electricity and is the same thing that makes solar, or photovoltaic that can produce biomass and wind energy. Today the country has to choose and we see that on the one hand the government is destroying the market for renewable energy in Italy and the other began to speak of nonsense: nonsense like that, for example, to reassure the public about what is happening in Japan.
All the while the French and the Americans, who know the nuclear much better than we have told their citizens to leave. E 'yesterday's news that the U.S. Seventh Fleet which was offshore, 160 km off after the accident at sea, are turning away because they're reporting radioactivity in the air. We have this government that has exceeded the limits of idiocy, starting from the Chairman of the Nuclear Safety, Professor Veronesi, that nonsense has fired more than one: one, that we attacked more macroscopic, is to say that he could sleep with nuclear waste at home, if this happened in Italy if the Italians would follow his example, having to sleep on the night of the nuclear waste would take a collective dose that would result in a year, an increase of 250,000 cases of cancer .
We are in the hands of a government that makes jokes, we know that the prime minister is known to be a big joke in the nuclear field would be better not to make jokes e non dire idiozie come dice il professor Rigotti, sempre dell'Agenzia Nucleare del Politecnico di Milano, che dice delle idiozie cercando di dire che non è successo niente, senza avere nessuna contezza di quello che capita. Credo che dobbiamo tutti pensare che ci sarà un referendum sul nucleare, non è facile portare la gente a votare, perché sappiamo che il referendum è uno strumento visto in maniera un po' scettica. Ritengo però che quest'occasione del referendum sia importante. Proprio per il referendum stiamo raccogliendo le firme per accorpare la data con quella delle amministrative di maggio.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Price Difference Liability Full

Scaliamo la marcia

Intervista Emanuela Provera for Order and freedom to Simone Perotti I fall on standing .

What values \u200b\u200bcan replace the myth of consumerism and productivity at all costs?
"I believe in the possibility to co-exist, each working to social welfare, such as doing things that do not bother, they do not consume that does not pollute, and that if anything can help. I believe in peaceful coexistence, in creativity. I believe that society would improve if the working day was only 5 hours to work a little but everyone. I believe in dialogue and communication. I think especially in training and the school that is set to be psychologically the people, teaching them that they must give up some of the needs for the good interior and collectively. Being and not to consume, to spend time without the anxiety of buying. Understand that objects are transient and have no bearing on our happiness, if not temporarily, but enslave us because we work hard to earn money to buy them. Think, be more just, more silence. Not produce dangerous goods, work in many consistently to dispose of waste. Renovate and beautify the country to welcome tourists who love him and respect him. Things like that ... "Why

representations union, both employers and workers have not been able to transfer and transmit to society the failure of a system that causes consumption and abuse of the area?
"Why have not listened to people like Bianciardi, Pasolini, Berlinguer. Bianciardi wrote "I am opposed" to consumerism. Pasolini has said much on this point, even talking about the value of culture as a selection tool needs. Sull'austerità Berlinguer made his famous speech to the workers, with courage. But nothing. The voices that preach things difficult, hard things that cost, longer routes, they are rarely heard. The responsibility of the Left and the unions is huge. They fought for the rights but not for the duties. Not duties to the community, not only. Duties to oneself. "

Why does the Catholic world, also inspired by an inner, spiritual dimension of the individual, has not taken up the challenge of a strong condemnation of consumerism and material wealth? Indeed, as stated in the book, it has become the most user?
"Why are you sleeping, are full, they have lost the passion of the apostolate, are no longer representative. This world has lost push, grip, with the ground truth of things. You talk about all work, no one who spends a word about how people live work, ie 91% of the population, which use well or badly it does. None raised la voce contro le imprese, contro il patto ormai fallito tra lavoratore e società. Il mondo cattolico sonnecchia, incerto perfino nella condanna. Il mondo si è relativizzato e laicizzato anche e soprattutto per questo».

Il tuo contributo alla mentalità del cambiamento, con i libri "Adesso basta" e "Avanti tutta", è stato importante: hai progetti per il futuro?
«Molti. Facevo progetti quando potevo pensare alla mia vita solo dalle 6 alle 9 di mattina, di notte, in aereo. Figuriamoci adesso che ho 24 ore tutte per me. La marcia è appena iniziata. Io sono uno scrittore, nato per scrivere storie. I miei primi 7 libri sono solo una premessa».

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now with the seasons do not understand anymore. Round purple eggplants are available now and are already sliced \u200b\u200band sold in sealed package weight: 480 gr to Euro 1.70 in supermarkets. For the peppers the same consideration, but the price is more or less equivalent.

The greenhouse cultivation, once almost unique heritage of Sicily, are now a little bit everywhere. At least console ourselves that these vegetables will not be at zero km, but almost.

So these considerations led me to propose a new starter, combining a typically Sicilian sauce with egg noodles, cooking stands above the Tiber (do not say the Po). (Do not forget that in Tuscany pasta if it consumes a lot!)

Then egg noodles or buy them already made and ready to boil, or the prepared ancorpiù you if you can pull down from the dusty attic machine of IMP ...., that was donated for the wedding and that you have ever dreamed of using.
Here now is time to dust it so much and have fun, believe me, in no time. If you are a refractory mixture with your hands or you no longer have the machine for the noodles because given way to "A passaappresso," that is recycled in a nutshell you have the gift, then buy a pack of noodles, medium size, and there think again! (If then you have strength, courage and good will with a rolling pin roll it out you should see the following instructions)

INGREDIENTS for 4 people for 400 grams of flour noodles (a little more for work surface), 4 eggs, extra a heaping tablespoon virgin olive oil, 1 teaspoon salt. Or noodles 500 gr. To flavor the noodles: tomato sauce or peeled 800 gr, 2 cloves garlic, eggplant 1 (large), 1 bell pepper (large), Sicilian black olives 50 g (ie NOT Gaeta), chopped 1 bunch parsley, anchovy fillets subt '3 oil, 1 teaspoon capers (well washed), extra virgin olive oil 6 spoonfuls. 1 piece hot pepper if you like.

PROCEDIMENTO : Se volete preparare voi le tagliatelle: mettere la farina sulla spianatoia, ed al centro versare l'olio, il sale, le uova. Incominciare ad impastare con le punte delle dita, poi coinvolgere mano a mano la farina ed impastare a due mani. Dopo cinque minuti di lavoro formare una palla e dopo averla coperta da un panno umido, farla riposare per 30 minuti; intanto dedicatevi al condimento.
In un'ampia padella mettere l'olio, l'aglio tagliato in due pezzi e su fuoco medio, dopo tre minuti di cottura dell'olio, aggiungere la melanzana tagliata a dadini con tutta la buccia,(eliminare il picciuolo, ovviamente). Intanto abbrustolire la pelle del peperone sulla fiamma, quindi eliminarla, (NON mettetelo sotto l'acqua, perde any flavor), remove core and seeds, cut the pepper into small strips and set aside on a plate. Click

fry the eggplant into chunks for 10 minutes, then stir, then add the chopped tomato (or tomatoes), cook another 10 minutes, add the pepper strips, olives, pitted and cut into three pieces, capers, fillets chopped anchovy, chopped parsley with scissors, remove the garlic and remove from heat.
Resume now the pasta, sprinkle on the pastry a little flour. If you have the machine to make the dough, cut the dough into three parts, put in the drawing thicker the dough, begin to make her come out, so reducing the thickness of a tooth and so on. One more step and even thinner, to the minimum thickness allowed by the machine. Sprinkle the dough with a pinch of flour and mixed in where there are rollers that provide cutting. Then we go to choose the thinnest. Cut all the dough, resulting in the noodles and keep them on a towel until time to cook in salted water. If
unfortunate that the machine for the dough THERE 'MORE', spread the dough on work surface with a rolling pin (and strength), when it reached the desired thickness, then roll the whole "pettola" and a sharp knife cut noodles (noodles and why they are called, because they have to be cut, no ..!) in a subtle way ed uguale.

Cuoceteli quindi in acqua salata, scolateli al dente e passateli nella padella con il condimento, rigirateli su fuoco forte per due minuti, quindi trasferiteli nel piatto di portata e serviteli subito.

Dopo tutta questa fatica, un bel piatto abbondante ve li siete meritato!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Pic Josh Hutcherson Blue Boxer Briefs

Ranking 26th day 26th day

Friday, March 11, 2011

Used Bongard Deck Oven For Sale

ACLI Miriano-Chico Mendes ......... Wednesday 15/03/2011 at 21:00
C5-Vigor Marmore ........... ........................... 2-7
Calvi-Massa Martana ................................. 7-5
Channel C5-Castel Giorgio ........................... 4-0
Valletta-Sport Center Narni ................ 4-1
Libertas Tacitus-Monterubiagliese ............... 4-2
OASIS GM C5-10 ....................................... . 8-2
OMNIA Brothers C5-Nardi Futsal ................. 2-4

Thursday, March 10, 2011

You More Fertile After Chemical Pregnancy


.. after the new entry of Matthew, Alexander and Victoria, yesterday, it was the turn of GIANLUCA!
newcomer Libertas home, yet another of the season, is the 4th Bongarzone training yellow-blue almost a whole team! Congratulations GIANLUCAAAAAAAAAAA (scale on the wing .. ahahahaha) and COMPLIMENTONI Mom and Dad GIULIA LEONARDO!

Amish People Clothing For Sale

Siamo ancora capaci di indignarci?

From an article Massimo Buongiorno Gramellini heading up printing.
When was the last time you surprised by something natural, cyclical and predictable as a sunset, a crop, a fanfaronade Bossi? Now if only we are simple people: children, the elderly and a few billion foreigners. Yesterday he called a German journalist, a moderate who voted in the last election Angela Merkel: "Unbelievable, a minister of your Republic in Lombardy boasted that there would be weapons for secession." And I "He was a figure of speech. Gaddafi has in the past suggested that Bossi would have asked for help. Umberto then replied with pride that has no need of Libya him. The weapons are manufactured in Lombardy. " "And why are the weapons to Bossi Lombard?" Insisted the German (I'm stubborn, the Germans). "It 's a metaphor. Among other things, he prefers the Kalashnikov. " "But it is a minister of the Italian State. Or is it a metaphor for this one? Thousands of Italians will be taken to the streets to demand his resignation. " "Wait ... When I look out in the square is just a chick who is double parking. If you want to go down and ask him. "
not smiled. The Germans do not smile ever. "But it's true," he continued undaunted, "that the government in the spot on 150 years of the unification of Italy did not ever pronounce the word Italy?". "Of course. Out of respect for privacy. " At that point it was just impatient, "Rubbish, Pompei, Bunga Bunga. But there is something capable of indignation you Italians? ". "The officials of the football league. A scandal, believe me. We should make a revolution. " Adapted from

Best Canned Lobster Bisque

lasagna NAPLES: a long controversy: the peas go there or go there? WALKER

Circa un anno fa, il 17 marzo del 2010, avevo inserito in questo blog un richiamo ad una serie di ricette pasquali e tra l'altro vi era una mia ricetta della lasagna napoletana, ben sperimentata più volte da me, con grande successo.

Se volete prenderene visione andate indietro nelle pagine , ma in realtà dovrete andare ancora più indietro fino al 7 marzo del 2008, perchè mi sono ricordato che la rubrica del 17 marzo 2010 tratta delle particolari pietanze del tempo di Pasqua e rimanda alle varie date delle diverse ricette.

La Lasagna Napoletana, qualche anno fa, è stata da me realizzata in diretta su Casa Alice - Canale 416 di SKY , avendo come assistente nientemeno che la Signora Rosanna Vaudetti, una delle prime presentatrici della RAI .

Vi era stata tra l'altro una polemica con alcuni "addetti ai lavori" sulla ricetta stessa, perché io avevo inserito tra gli ingredienti anche dei delicatissimi pisellini surgelati " del buongustaio" , passati per 10 minuti in un tegamino a fuoco dolce con una cipollina tagliata a velo e dell'olio extra vergine d'oliva . In realtà nell' unica ricetta in argomento del Cavalcanti , Duca di Buonvicino del 1843 chiamata " Gattò di lasagnette alla Buonvicino ", nella "minuta del pranzo del martedì 14 novembre", vi erano i piselli, tanto parmigiano, del prosciutto e poi il ragù con salsiccine, polpettine, uova di gallina "non nate" (sono quelle che si trovano all'interno delle galline uccise) , uova normali sode e tagliate a pezzi e niente ricotta. (Quindi da ritenere che questa ricetta non avesse niente in comune con la nostra lasagna napoletana, dove la ricotta è presente in gran quantità). Ma a tal proposito , ricordando la data del 14 novembre, non poteva trattarsi di piselli secchi, fatti rinvenire con una lunga cottura?
Invece in the recipe written by my great teacher Jeanne Carola Francesconi, two centuries later, there was no evidence of peas mixed the whiteness of the cheese and the red fire of the sauce. The presence of green pea
making the dish even particularly patriotic recalling the colors of our flag.
But I was well established at the time of Formosa, it was a "pie lasagna "
with handmade pasta with eggs, a dish that is quite different from ours, which had no bearing on the Easter period and could thus be prepared in such a time of year from late April to late May and again in June, when in the countryside North peas fresh vegetables were available in the pews. Conversely
our traditional lasagna, prepared strictly in the days just before Easter, in time of Carnival. In those months the fresh peas were not ready to be harvested on plants, but maybe they were just in bloom, there were not yet frozen peas (freezing in the industrial phase of the vegetables, sprimentalmente started in 1923, began to expand in Italy only in 1950, by the Findus).
And then to find the bottled or canned peas had to wait until the second half of 1800, for the invention that would have allowed the preservation of canned foods ascent to 1795 by the Frenchman Nicolas Appert, but it was stolen from him by two British Donkin & Hall, ancorpiù and then perfected by the great French chemist Pasteur in 1857, who had understood that to prevent the contents of the boxes suffer procedures fermentation, it was necessary first to bring a liquid (ie the content) to a high temperature and lower it quickly (hence the term in use today: pasteurization).

In conclusion I suggest you read my recipe and prepare the lasagna according to my precise instructions. It will be a great success. And then the true Neapolitan lasagna as a first, second and frame. Friendly enough to close the only one good cut seasonal fruit: oranges, apples, pears, kiwi (Italian), and sliced \u200b\u200bbananas. The strawberries are about to head in the markets, but of course are only emissions, given the very cold days, and will be at prohibitive prices.
Enjoy then!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Desert Eagle Customizing

BEEF aroma of cumin seeds

Sometimes it is also necessary to cook the beef, you know that you can not live only with vegetables or beans, and then tried to make this food palatable and not too hard especially for those people a little later in life , which are no longer equipped with a tooth of a lion. Even in old age, a food-based proteins, like this one, okay no more than once per week.

INGREDIENTS for 6 people: gr beef topside or controgirello 1000 (one piece), 350 gr onions, celery, a couple of ribs, 2 cloves garlic, cumin seeds 1 spoon, salt, extra virgin olive oil '8 tablespoons olive oil, 1 heaping tablespoon flour, dry white wine 100 cm.

PROCEDURE: thread the wire with cooking the meat, season with salt and place in a saucepan with three tablespoons of olive oil, then sauté over medium heat, turning it with two wooden pallets, for about ten minutes. Pull up making drain on a plate and add to the bottom of yet three tablespoons of cooking oil, then chopped garlic in detail, a chopped onion and the icing sedano spezzettato. Fare insaporire il tutto cuocendolo 5 minuti e poi rimettere di nuovo la carne in casseruola. Ricoprire d'acqua calda la carne a filo ed a fiamma moderata, con il coperchio, fare cuocere per 2 ore.
In un'altra casseruolina mettere il restante olio, la cipolla tagliata a velo e farla cuocere rimestando ogni tanto. Aggiungervi i semi di cumino dopo averli passati nel frullatore o pestati nel mortaio e cuocere per altri 5 minuti. Stemperare nel bicchiere di vino la farina e versarla sulla cipolle, rimestando, quindi togliere subito la casseruolina dal fuoco.
Tirare fuori la carne, tagliarla a fette spesse un dito, disporla ordinatamente nella pirofila e sopra distribuire tutte le cipolle con il loro fondo di cottura.
Al momento di andare a tavola, accendere il forno a 180° , e quando avrete servito il primo piatto mettere in forno la pirofila, cosi da permettere al condimento ed agli aromi di amalgamarsi insieme alla carne e di servirla ancora calda.
Si consiglia come contorno alla pietanza, di preparare delle patate al forno da servire insieme, profittando del forno già acceso.

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week 03/07/2011 - 11/03/2011:

- TRAINING confirmed Monday, in 2007,

- nb: WEDNESDAY, 03/09/2011 -> Undo,

- TRAINING confirmed Thursday, 03/10/2011.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Good Mixers With Scotch

ratatouille THE SICILIAN EGGPLANT WITH PEPPERS & ONIONS - Recipe of the eastern Sicily

Cinque anni fa, la Delegazione dell'Accademia Italiana della Cucina di Palermo organizzò un interessante convegno sulla melanzana. Nei tre giorni in cui si svolsero i lavori, saggiammo ben 45 maniere diverse di cucinare le melanzane, io fui uno dei relatori e riuscii a convincere i presenti che grazie alle modifiche genetiche operate sulle piante e sulle semenze nel corso degli ultimi decenni, non era più necessario mettere le melanzane tagliate a fette a spurgare l'amaro spargendovi sopra del sale. In realtà in origine, migliaia di anni fa, i frutti della melanzana da crudo aveva un sapore molto amaro che serviva ad evitare che gli insetti si nutrissero di essi e che greggi di bovini, caprini ed ovini pascolando in libertà allo stato brado, potessero mangiarli del tutto avendo tra l'altro un colore molto invitante.

Oggi di mandrie in libertà non ve ne sono più, gli anticrittogamici ed i trattamenti antiparassitari hanno decimato intere popolazioni di insetti e di coleotteri e quindi non si è ritenuto più necessario che le melanzane crude avessero questo terribile sapore amaro, e così si è corsi ai ripari modificando piante, eliminando il sapore amaro e rendendo i loro semi molto più radi e sterili .
Si ho detto sterili perché in tal modo il contadino che vuole ripiantare l'anno successivo delle melanzane, non può prepararsi da solo la semenza, come faceva un tempo, mettendo da parte quella più grossa e più piena di semi da fare seccare al sole, ma ormai costui è obbligato ad andare ad acquistare i semi in bustina, prodotti da una delle grandi multinazionali del seme, che poi lo costringe ad un acquisto al prezzo di monopolio da lei stabilito.

Non vi meravigliate, ma lo stesso for the other plants, such as tomatoes, peppers, corn, wheat, etc.. Personally I did the test. I removed the few seeds that I found a beautiful tomato, I made them dry up and the following year I made the plants. I have transplanted the flowers were born, you are open and .... then they all died without making a single tomato.
But back to our recipe. The caponata of eastern Sicily is one of the most successful dishes made with eggplant, parmigiana after I explained some time ago (see the date that I can not remember the search engine because it is a masterpiece, at least that made my recipe and I say without modesty). So roll up your sleeves
e mettetevi al lavoro.

INGREDIENTI per 6 persone : melanzane gr 1000; peperoni grandi gr 700; cipolla gr 700; pomodori maturi o polpa di pomodoro gr 1000; sedano 3 coste; olive verdi denocciolate gr 150;
capperi sottosale (lavati) 1 cucchiaio; aceto di vino bianco cc 100; zucchero 1 cucchiaio raso; olio extra vergine d'oliva q.b.

PROCEDIMENTO: vanno bene sia le melanzane lunghe che quelle tonde. Lavare le melanzane, eliminare il picciuolo e tagliarle a dadini, cm 2x2, con tutta la buccia, metterle in una ampia padella con olio extra vergine e friggerle a fuoco forte, rimestandole ogni tanto. Quando si sono imbiondite, mano a mano tirarle su con una schiumarola e metterle in a bowl. Wash the peppers, remove core and seeds, cut into squares and fry in same pan and in the same oil the eggplant, then bundle them with eggplant. In another pan, at the same time you can fry in a little oil on low heat the onions cut veil, let them brown, then add the chopped tomato and celery cut into rondelline (1). Add the chopped olives, capers, well rinsed and chopped (if large enough), cook for 5 minutes, then add the eggplant and peppers already fried. Stir for a minute, then add the spoonful of sugar, stir again and then half a glass of white wine vinegar, stir again to distribute salt and extinguish the fire.

E 'great hot or cold, even after a few days, but must always be kept in the refrigerator.

(1) In some cases, to avoid the taste of celery dominates the other flavors, you should write a scalded in boiling water for one minute to celery stalks, then cut them and add them rondelline.

NB The amount of sugar and vinegar can vary depending on your taste. Have you also changed the test and if you think it should be their number.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Invitation Card To Death Anniversary


Spring is just around the corner and vegetables necessary for its preparation can be obtained easily and without huge cost in all the stalls of fruit and vegetables. In questo particolare caso si tratta di una pietanza da dedicare ad un pranzo un pò importante, con almeno 6 persone, perché la sua preparazione vi richiede un bel pò di tempo, ma poi in compenso vi da il vantaggio di poterla preparare in anticipo, tenerla in frigo per qualche ora e poi al momento opportuno, infilarla in forno e portarla in tavola.
In tal modo chi ha l'incombenza della cucina non deve stare ai fornelli quando arrivano gli ospiti.

E' sufficientemente ricca di calorie, e quindi dopo una buona porzione sarà sufficiente una bella insalata di verdure fresche ed un dessert per completare il pasto. Magari alla fine vi darò anche qualche suggerimento per comporre una insalata abbastanza ricca.

Ingredients for 6: lasagna (NOT, NOT pre-cooked egg) 500 g; eggplant 400 grams, 400 grams zucchini, peeled or chopped tomatoes 480 g (1 can) never NOT recommend using the past; 2 garlic cloves, basil leaves, extra virgin olive oil 4 heaped tablespoons (for tomato sauce) 2 heaping tablespoons flour, fresh whole milk 400 cc, 30 g butter, 150 grams grated parmesan cheese, extra virgin olive oil ' oil for frying the zucchini and eggplant to taste (in my opinion, is always preferable to frying with extra virgin olive oil. It costs a little more than seeds, but remember that all oils NOT extra virgin olive oil and seeds are extracted with chemical process based on "benzene" or other similar diluent. )

PROCEEDINGS wash the eggplant, remove the stalk and without removing the skin for a long slice, preferably all of equal thickness. Put them in a pan with oil and fry 5 minutes per side, then put them in a pot. Wash zucchini, remove the tip and the hex where the flower was attached, for a long slice, preferably all of equal thickness, then put them in a pan and fry 5 minutes per side, then keep aside on a plate. In a
Pentolina put oil, garlic cut in two pieces, a pinch of salt and the chopped tomatoes and cook for 10 minutes over medium heat. Remove from heat and discard the garlic.
hours Prepare the bechamel: In a saucepan put the butter, melt it over low heat and add the flour. Stirring with a wooden spoon of butter and toast it soak for a minute, then start adding a little milk. Always mix and when the milk is absorbed by the flour begins to swell, add a little more and keep going without stopping to stir until the milk is over. Then remove from heat, stir for another minute because the hot bottom of the pan is still hot, then set aside.
Grate the parmesan and add to sauce, stir for a minute. (Never buy already grated Parmesan cheese, ma fatevelo eventualmente grattugiare davanti a voi).
Ora tutti gli ingredienti sono pronti, mancano soltano le lasagne.
In una capace pentola mettere acqua, sale, e quando bolle immergervi dentro le lasagne. Il tempo di cottura è di solito riportato sulla confezione e può variare da marca a marca.
Stendere sul piano da lavoro un canovaccio pulito e sopra adagiarvi le lasagne quando le toglierete cotte "al dente" dall'acqua salata.

Ora è necessaria una pirofila da forno che poi porterete in tavola. Spalmare sul fondo un filo d'olio, quindi mettere un solo strato di lasagna, senza sovrapporla,. Sopra va uno strato di melanzane, qualche cucchiaio di salsa di pomodoro, qualche cucchiaio di besciamella, un altro of lasagne, a layer of zucchini, then tomato sauce, white sauce, lasagna and so on, not forget to keep to cover the final a little white sauce and tomato sauce. If you have not eaten immediately can put in the fridge, but warm. The fridge will work a little more, but with the heat germs proliferate much faster and so in that way with the cold prevents it.
When you eat take out the pan from the fridge, turn on the oven to 160 degrees and cook for 30 minutes, then take it to the table and serve ..

Boxing Glove Mittens For Babies

National Convention ITALIAN CHEESE: TABLE OF DELIGHT - 1, 2, 3 April 2011 - SORRENTO

Dear friends,

the Delegation of the Sorrento Peninsula dell'AccademiaItaliana Kitchen directed by myself, on the occasion of the tenth of its foundation, organized in Sorrento on days 1, 2, 3 April 2011 a national conference on Italian cheeses.
The work will take place Saturday, April 2 at the Conca Park Hotel Sorrento, beginning at 9:00 am and end at 14.00. Speakers
delegates and academics from different regions, as well as journalists, restaurateurs, hoteliers, manufacturers and refiners of cheese and enthusiasts.
The moderator of the conference will be an academic and journalist Alfredo Pelle and speakers will be:
Franco Nucci: " The cheeses of the civilization of transhumance "
Mario De Simone: "A cheese the gates of hell "
Virginia Ruggiero: " The role of the cheese in the Mediterranean diet "
Massimo Gelati " Parmigiano Reggiano: history and philosophy of the King of Cheeses "
Germana Militerni Nardone: " bread, cheese and figs! Ordered Garibaldi "
Luigi Altobelli:" From Oxigala of Magna Grecia in Puglia burrata "
Santa Di Salvo:" The cheese literature "
Brancaleoni Renato" The aged cheese and aged cheese world "Domenico
Mòllica:" I milk products of the Sorrento-Amalfi Coast "Salierno Domenico and Antonio Staiano" His Highness the plait of mozzarella Sorrento .

finalize work Paolo Petroni, Secretary General of the Italian Kitchen and Chairman of the National Research Center of the Academy "Franco Marenghi."

readers that might be interested in participate in the conference, MAY REQUEST via my email is: sergiocorbino@gmail.com

Campbells Cheddar Cheese Tater Totsoup Recipes


I received criticism for the previous post that I feel right / duty to respond.

In truth I do not particularly trouble saying things that I think that then they can be considered as a color or the other is something that neither me nor do I care ... If I was interested to please this or that make other choices in my life.
In particular, Saviano has the right to speak, to express themselves and to live, but, because of its revelations about the Camorra (s' nfrangheta) is not made possible.
Additionally, he writes really well. Maybe we should really go to his work slightly to realize what the judge rather than "whatever" like the ultras. In this sometimes says things can not be shared, but visto che su certe cose sono in accordo anche con giornalisti definibili "di destra", direi che la cosa semplicemente conferma quanto ho scritto all'inizio del post………

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Does Putting Cocaine On Your Gums Get You Hight


Free Retirement Party

L'altra sera a Pavia

L'altra sera (giovedì) c'era Saviano alla Feltrinelli  di Pavia… Non avendo neanche provato ad entrarci dopo l'ultima esperienza (5 mesi fa) in cui si rimase fuori in duemila persone sotto l'acqua senza neanche lo straccio di un maxischermo (tanto ce n'è uno usato inutilmente in Piazza della Vittoria dagli ultimi Campionati Mondiali di calcio, quindi giusto giusto da quest'estate…) o di a pair of loudspeakers ...

I'm Looking For A Step Vibrator

25 ° 25 ° day Day

Football 5-Vigor Calvi .......................... ............................... 1-2
Castel Giorgio OMNIA-C5 ....................................... ......... 4-4
Chico Mendes-Monterubiagliese ...................................... 5-4
Brothers Nardi Futsal OASIS-C5 ...................................... .... 3-3
GM 10-C5 Channel ....................................... ...................... 6-1
Marmore C5-Valletta ....................................... ............ 1-0
Massa Martana-ACLI Miriano........................................ 4-3
Sport Center -Libertas Tacito......................................... 5-0

Chi vuole può ineserire nei post i risultati verranno immediatemante pubblicati.
Grazie per la collaborazione

Used Butterfly Sailboats


's still time artichokes, and this first course, different than usual, you can prepare quickly and taste great.
A little patience is needed to clean the artichokes, removing leaves harder and then reducing them to thin slices. If you become a little black hands, rub them with half a lemon, maybe a half a lemon that has remained unused for some time in the fridge. Whiten immediately. Then follow me and do not regret it, then I'll talk about a change to make this dish, but we do not run.

INGREDIENTS for 4: 4 artichokes; Accessibility gr 500, gr onion, 100, 100 cc dry white wine, extra virgin olive oil 4 heaping tablespoons, salt 1 pinch, tuna in olive oil gr 80/100.

PROCEEDINGS clean carcioofi removing hard outer leaves and cutting tips to one half the length of the remaining leaves. Cut each artichoke in two, remove the internal beard and cut again into thin slices: the more subtle and before cooking. In a pan put oil, onion cut into thin veil over low heat and just fry it. Add the sliced \u200b\u200bartichokes, white wine, a pinch of salt and cook covered for 10 minutes to fire a little faster.
Meanwhile, boil water with salt for cooking wheels. Discard the lid of the pan, stir the artichokes, cook for 5 minutes. Open the can of tuna and discard all the olive oil in it. ( not extra virgin, but oil obtained by the by means of chemical solvents, this by removing debris from what remains of the olives after pressing the Extra virgin oil is like a semi! )
Put the pasta into the boiling water, meanwhile, add the tuna with artichokes and crumbled. Drain al dente wheels and pass them in a pan for a couple of minutes over high heat, then pass them in a dish and serve immediately.

PS A nice variation. Prepare the artichokes as explained above. Instead of tuna, 12
buy frozen shrimp, thawed, remove the shell, head and gutted on the back, cut into two pieces. Pass in a small saucepan over medium heat with a knob of butter, half a clove of garlic, a pinch of salt and half a teaspoon of curry , stirring, for no longer than three minutes, remove the garlic, then add the artichokes and then continue as above. If someone is allergic or does not like the curry you can flavor it with a teaspoon of soy sauce Kikkoman. But in this case do not add salt because the soy sauce and intrinsically very salty.

Friday, March 4, 2011

How To Build A Snowboard Rail

a quick and easy cheesecakes 3 X 3

It 'easy and fast to implement: good for the morning, not to go to school without putting something good and substantial in your stomach, good in the late afternoon but when you are on the books is a bit of sweetness that you do not want to leave bitter taste buds!
So sweet of you prepared with love and therefore without retardants, emulsifiers, sweeteners, dyes and many other disgusting things unknown and ignored by most.
Want to know why they call it 3x3? Then followed a list of ingredients!

INGREDIENTS: 300 gr flour, 300 grams ricotta, 300 g sugar, 3 eggs, 3 tablespoons fresh whole milk, 1 pinch salt, baking powder 1 tablespoon sweet.

PROCEDURE: open the eggs into a bowl, add sugar, ricotta, flour, baking powder, a pinch of salt, 3 tablespoons of milk and le fruste elettriche mescolare il tutto per 3 minuti. Imburrare uno stampo a ciambella, infarinarlo accuratamente e scrollare via, capovolgendolo, la farina di troppo. Versare nello stampo il composto e metterlo in forno a 200° per 30 minuti. Trascorso il tempo toglierlo dal forno, farlo raffreddare un pò e quindi capovolgerlo nel piatto di portata. Spolverarlo con una bustina di zucchero a velo.

P.S. Una semplice variante: aggiungere agli ingredienti 3 mele o 3 pere. Lavare le mele (o le pere) tagliarle a quattro spicchi, eliminare il torsolo ma lasciando le buccie. Tagliare ancora in 3 pezzi ogni spicchio ed uniteli all'impasto, quando avrete finito di mescolarlo con le fruste elettriche. Versare il tutto nello stampo e prolungare la cottura a further 10 minutes.

How Long Does It Take For Pleurisy To Resolve

Letizia e il suo figliolo bauscia 30enne che si crede Batman… Pensa te che mondo…

one article Massimo Gramellini on his column on Hello printing.

I know: the real scandal (if it is proved) is the son of the mayor Letizia Moratti would buy a piece of bread for five industrial buildings on the outskirts of Milan without permits to transform into a mega-loft that would then forgive and to reassess whether the new plan, signed by his mother.
I know: The Mess is in the same city where the public already affittano le case a canone agevolato agli inquilini ricchi invece che ai poveri. E lo so: nella lista dei privilegiati, sia pure in un appartamento di seconda fila, compare la compagna giornalista del candidato sindaco dell’opposizione, per cui si preannunzia un duello elettorale all’ultimo mattone, arbitrabile dall’ex ministro dello Sviluppo economico Scajola (a sua insaputa).
Eppure ciò che di questa storia più mi deprime è quanto racconta l’architetto dell’ex capannone ex abusivo a proposito dei lavori di ristrutturazione: il figlio trentenne della Moratti gli avrebbe chiesto di ispirarsi alla caverna di Batman. E si sarebbe fatto costruire:
-un ponte levatoio;
-una bedroom furniture in shark skin, a trap-driven and an underground bunker;
-regulate a boxing ring and a shooting range soundproof.

Why the favoritism of politics will also end one day. But Bausch, obviously, no. Adapted from

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Where I Can Read Shotacon Online

Che cos'è la tanto vituperata "Patrimoniale"

Interview with Roberto Petrini on site Cado standing.

The Italian public debt running dispatched to the 2,000 billion euro. Europe is asking for the bill and in Italy takes off the idea of \u200b\u200ba tax on wealth. We talked about con Roberto Petrini, giornalista d'economia e scrittore.

Cos'è la tassa patrimoniale?

Attenzione quando si parla di patrimoniale, perché il termine significa due cose e si presta ad equivoci. Non facciamoci imbrogliare. La prima è la tassazione strutturale e continua sui patrimoni, immobiliari e mobiliari: da noi questa tassazione già c'è con l'Ici (la tassa su chi possiede una casa), che si chiamerà Imu con il federalismo, e con un livello - non alto per la verità - della tassazione delle rendite finanziarie. Tuttavia in Italia attualmente le tasse gravano più su redditi e consumi ma sarebbe meglio, to promote development, outweigh the assets. The OECD gives this advice to all countries. And this seems to agree even Economy Minister Tremonti.

But in recent weeks has triggered the uproar, Mr Berlusconi has accused the left of it ready in the drawer to attack private property.

The debate of recent weeks has been around the one-off capital. They proposed two grand old men of the Republic, Giuliano Amato and Pellegrino Capaldo, two intellectuals represent, respectively, socialist and Catholic who had major roles in the last thirty years. Their idea is that the public debt which is costing us 80 billion euro a year in interest, is unsustainable and that, if we find money for development, we must avoid to pay for all these interests. Right: in fact, as we know, the Italian public debt is 1.867 billion euro, an enormous sum: Amato proposed to reduce it to 620 billion. How to earn these 620 billion? By charging the richest, or the 2.4 million Italian families who hold 45 percent of the wealth, or those who have on average assets of about € 529 000. To do that we should impose a tax rate of 16 percent of their assets. The version of Capaldo is a bit 'different: it would collect € 900 billion, but pay attention not on capital but on increasing the current value of houses in recent years. In practice you do not pay for all income brackets, but would be affected, wealthy and single owners. Simple, no?

is the first time that the spectrum is looming in the mist of the capital of the Republic?

Actually no. In 1992 there was a fair capital. Even then there was the hand of Giuliano Amato: he was prime minister when Italy was hit by one of the biggest financial crises of recent times and was forced to devalue. Amato was forced to make at night time, a special levy on bank accounts dello 0,6 per mille. Toccò tutti e incassò 3 miliardi di euro. Niente di nuovo sotto il sole.

Perché si parla di patrimoniale? Vuol dire che i soldi sono finiti?

Mettiamola così: se spendiamo ci attacca la speculazione, se non spendiamo strangoliamo il Welfare e ci tagliamo ogni speranza di crescita. Da qualche parte i soldi bisognerà trovarli.

Ecco, appunto. Ma dove?

Questo è il punto. C'è il rischio che con la patrimoniale, come spiega Salvatore Tutino del Cer, uno dei massimi esperti di fisco in Italia, si intervenga sul result and not the causes. Would not it be better to intervene upstream, on tax evasion and wasteful public spending? In addition there are many who say that the asset may not be able to identify all owners of property, having regard to company magheggi in vogue in our system. This does not mean that the asset is a taboo: there is a proposal for a Member of the Democratic Party, specializing in economics, Massimo Vannucci does not sound that bad: we put a sheet on the "dead hand", only increasing the levy on real property not used, vacant houses, non-cultivated land, unused areas, shops made unavailable. It would affect the economy of laziness. Adapted from

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Tired,cramps, Peeing A Lot, Lower Back Pain

I bambini palestinesi e le schifezze israeliane

In 2010:
  • 11 Palestinian children were killed,
  • 360 Palestinian children were injured,
  • 213 Palestinian children have been kept under military detention,
  • 14 Palestinian children have been raped in Israeli prisons,
  • 75 Palestinian children have been tortured in Israeli prisons,
  • 62 Palestinian children have been beaten, four Palestinian children
  • have been subjected to electric shock treatment to extract their confessions.

[Report UNICEF]

Johnny The Homicidal Maniac Comics For Free

Caro Silvio, confrontiamole un po' 'ste scuole, ok…

The graph shows the scores of public and private schools in the PISA test conducted in 2006. Pisa (acronym for Programme for International Student Assessment) is an international study sponsored by the OECD founded with the purpose of assessing every three years, the skills level of the fifteen major industrialized countries. As can be seen clearly, the students of private schools have a level of skills acquired significantly lower than that of public school students both in mathematics, both in the text, both in scientific expertise. Note that these figures do not take into account the level of education and parental income (highest in private school) that on average leads to better results for children. If you control for these factors, the gap would be even more pronounced. Adapted from

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sister Pregnant Poems



Should you need any particular recipe for "single" that I have not yet written, and comment or ask me by email and will try 'to satisfy you. My e ':

Thank you!

Campbells Cheddar Cheese Tater Tot Soup Recipes

Il chioscho che dà soldi per rifuti

From site of Corriere.
Used Phone, MP3 players, video games, dvd no longer needed in California are recycled in the new eco-friendly kiosks. And in return, once examined the status of use and model, you receive money. It is the idea of \u200b\u200becoATM, a start-up of San Diego, California, which is spreading to the state within the major shopping malls the first samples of its intelligent machines for the recycling of obsolete technology equipment.
The kiosk has an eco-friendly software developed to control it. From the outside it looks like a location for the taking of cash, but instead insert the card from their bank, a large as an oven door welcomes our used phone, or DVD player that is no longer needed. Closed the door, starts to control the machine product quote. In a few minutes at most recognizes gender, but also a model and brand. It also controls parts are missing, damaged, of course, reading only those visible. Once confirmed by the model dell'avventore trying to get rid of them start the paperwork for the transaction.
accept the terms of the contract, the user can receive the market value of the goods delivered to the kiosk. Fifty or sixty dollars for a used smartphone, a little 'less for other devices more elderly, but still a few dollars for each delivered to recycling is always guaranteed. The figure will gush forth from the slot just like an ATM or debit card will be charged on the store that houses the ATM echo machine, ready to be spent on new technology.
Within a year after launching the first kiosks, the company that produces them in San Diego and received 14milioni of dollars of funding for this project, has already recycled more than 50 000 units. For now, the production costs are very high, and around the machines delivered to California still very few. In Redmond, the Microsoft campus, there is already one, but Google expects to receive his days of special kiosk in Mountain View.

Olympic Athlete Cameltoe


Here's another " flat in the middle" fast and funny, of all times, because the endives are found throughout the year on bank vegetables. It can also be a second course if the first was very hearty and plentiful. It is a slice is also great cold the next evening.

INGREDIENTS for 6: crust for the dough: 250 gr flour, butter 125 grams (remove from the refrigerator a couple of hours earlier) salt 1 pinch.
for the filling: blue cheese (sweet) 250 g, 200 g cottage cheese, cream of milk (no preservatives) 100 cc, 4 eggs, 1 pinch dried chives.

PROCEDURE: In a bowl, mix the flour with your fingers with the softened butter with a pinch of salt. After a few minutes of work, and then mixing the components form a ball. Putting to rest in the refrigerator to chill for at least 30 minutes.
Meanwhile, wash the endive and place it in a pot with salted water and blanch for no more than 3 minutes. Drain, squeeze with your hands and cut the leaves into two pieces with scissors.
In a bowl beat eggs, incorporate the ricotta, cream and chives.
Grease and flour a mold from the oven (preferably with zipper for easy mold release ).
Take the dough from the fridge and work surface with a rolling pin roll out a thin sheet, with which cover the bottom and the edge of the mold. Adjust the pressure of his fingers broken any small pasta. Stendere sul fondo delle sottili strisce ottenute dalla metà del gorgonzola, poi sopra stendere le scarole in uno strato uniforme, poi versarvi sopra il composto di uova, ricotta e panna ed in ultimo delle sottili strisce ricavate dal resto del gorgonzola.
Infornare a 200° in forno già caldo e servire la crostata quando si è un pò raffreddata.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Why Does My Belly Poke Out


settimana 28-02-2011 - 05-03-2011:

- confermato ALLENAMENTO lunedì 28,

- nb: MERCOLEDì 02-03-2011 -> ANNULLATO,

- confermato ALLENAMENTO giovedì 03-03-2011.

Portable Air Conditioner Consumer Reports

Fusilli with zucchini cream & BASIL

Siamo quasi in Primavera, i mandorli sono già in fiore e le zucchine sono presenti sui banchi della verdura ormai da tempo. Forse sarà un poco più difficile trovare del basilico, se non lo avete voi fatto crescere in casa, a dispetto del freddo.
Allora volete provare questa mia ricetta? These are the hours of 28 February 23.30, half an hour we will be in March and then we are not entirely out of season.
INGREDIENTS for 6 persons: 500 grams fusilli, zucchini gr 1000, 10 basil leaves, extra virgin olive oil 4 tablespoons, butter 80 grams, 100 grams grated parmesan cheese, 50 gr grated pecorino, salt.

PROCEDURE: Wash zucchini, remove the tail piece of the hexagonal dell'attaccatura of the flower, then slice them into rings of equal thickness and put them in a pan with oil and butter and cook over low heat with the cover for 15 minutes, stirring a few times. Remove the lid and then cook for another 5 minutes longer supported. Wash the leaves basil, dry them and put them together with the zucchini and the immersion blender to reduce everything to cream. Add the grated cheese, mix them together and transfer the sauce into the pot bottom flow ..
Cook the fusilli in salted water until al dente and drain, by taking a cup of water to cook pasta. Wipe the bowl flow, mix the sauce and perhaps add some of the water delivered by hand, if you consider it necessary.

Harold And Kumar In Bottomless Party

souffle 'spinach & gruyere

Sometimes it is also necessary to alternate the recipes with meat or fish dish with some slightly different, which may be valid or as a main dish as "half plate "in an important meal.
The main caveat is this: when you cook a souffle must pay attention to the cooking time, because when the souffle is to be inflated to the letter, it should be immediately brought to the table, or in part if it goes down. ( soufflé means inflated in French, and is mounted just egg whites until stiff, mixed with other ingredients, the heat expands and swells around the compound. )
INGREDIENTS : 500 gr spinach, 50 grams butter, 2 tablespoons flour, fresh whole milk 250 cc, 4 eggs, grated Parmesan cheese 50 gr, 150 gr gruyere cheese, 2 tablespoons breadcrumbs, salt.

PROCEDIMENTO : eliminare la radice, lavare accuratamente in acqua corrente gli spinaci e lessarli per un paio di minuti in acqua salata. Farli sgocciolare, quindi strizzarli tra le mani e tritarli con le forbici. Preparate ora una besciamella mettendo in un tegame il burro, la farina, farla tostare per un minuto a fuoco dolce e iniziare ad aggiungere un poco di latte. Rimestare mentre si cuoce e quando il latte è stato assorbito aggiungerne ancora, fino a terminare. Togliere dal fuoco e rimestare ancora per un minuto perché il fondo caldo continua a cuocere. Aggiungere gli spinaci, mescolarli insieme e rimettere per due minuti il tegame su fuoco dolce, toglierlo di nuovo dal fuoco e fare incorporare un tuorlo per volta, rimestando velocemente, poi il parmigiano Gruyere and reduced to small cubes, stirring.
Whisk egg whites until stiff and add to mixture, stirring slowly from below to above, to prevent the unmount.
Butter an ovenproof dish with the edge very top, sprinkle with breadcrumbs, making it adhere and to drop the excess. Pour in the mixture. Bake in a cold oven thermostat to 200 degrees for 25 minutes and then bringing to the table when it has grown more than twice, and almost bursting at the upper part is brown.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Lidocaine Patch Vs. Opiates
