Sunday, March 6, 2011

Invitation Card To Death Anniversary


Spring is just around the corner and vegetables necessary for its preparation can be obtained easily and without huge cost in all the stalls of fruit and vegetables. In questo particolare caso si tratta di una pietanza da dedicare ad un pranzo un pò importante, con almeno 6 persone, perché la sua preparazione vi richiede un bel pò di tempo, ma poi in compenso vi da il vantaggio di poterla preparare in anticipo, tenerla in frigo per qualche ora e poi al momento opportuno, infilarla in forno e portarla in tavola.
In tal modo chi ha l'incombenza della cucina non deve stare ai fornelli quando arrivano gli ospiti.

E' sufficientemente ricca di calorie, e quindi dopo una buona porzione sarà sufficiente una bella insalata di verdure fresche ed un dessert per completare il pasto. Magari alla fine vi darò anche qualche suggerimento per comporre una insalata abbastanza ricca.

Ingredients for 6: lasagna (NOT, NOT pre-cooked egg) 500 g; eggplant 400 grams, 400 grams zucchini, peeled or chopped tomatoes 480 g (1 can) never NOT recommend using the past; 2 garlic cloves, basil leaves, extra virgin olive oil 4 heaped tablespoons (for tomato sauce) 2 heaping tablespoons flour, fresh whole milk 400 cc, 30 g butter, 150 grams grated parmesan cheese, extra virgin olive oil ' oil for frying the zucchini and eggplant to taste (in my opinion, is always preferable to frying with extra virgin olive oil. It costs a little more than seeds, but remember that all oils NOT extra virgin olive oil and seeds are extracted with chemical process based on "benzene" or other similar diluent. )

PROCEEDINGS wash the eggplant, remove the stalk and without removing the skin for a long slice, preferably all of equal thickness. Put them in a pan with oil and fry 5 minutes per side, then put them in a pot. Wash zucchini, remove the tip and the hex where the flower was attached, for a long slice, preferably all of equal thickness, then put them in a pan and fry 5 minutes per side, then keep aside on a plate. In a
Pentolina put oil, garlic cut in two pieces, a pinch of salt and the chopped tomatoes and cook for 10 minutes over medium heat. Remove from heat and discard the garlic.
hours Prepare the bechamel: In a saucepan put the butter, melt it over low heat and add the flour. Stirring with a wooden spoon of butter and toast it soak for a minute, then start adding a little milk. Always mix and when the milk is absorbed by the flour begins to swell, add a little more and keep going without stopping to stir until the milk is over. Then remove from heat, stir for another minute because the hot bottom of the pan is still hot, then set aside.
Grate the parmesan and add to sauce, stir for a minute. (Never buy already grated Parmesan cheese, ma fatevelo eventualmente grattugiare davanti a voi).
Ora tutti gli ingredienti sono pronti, mancano soltano le lasagne.
In una capace pentola mettere acqua, sale, e quando bolle immergervi dentro le lasagne. Il tempo di cottura è di solito riportato sulla confezione e può variare da marca a marca.
Stendere sul piano da lavoro un canovaccio pulito e sopra adagiarvi le lasagne quando le toglierete cotte "al dente" dall'acqua salata.

Ora è necessaria una pirofila da forno che poi porterete in tavola. Spalmare sul fondo un filo d'olio, quindi mettere un solo strato di lasagna, senza sovrapporla,. Sopra va uno strato di melanzane, qualche cucchiaio di salsa di pomodoro, qualche cucchiaio di besciamella, un altro of lasagne, a layer of zucchini, then tomato sauce, white sauce, lasagna and so on, not forget to keep to cover the final a little white sauce and tomato sauce. If you have not eaten immediately can put in the fridge, but warm. The fridge will work a little more, but with the heat germs proliferate much faster and so in that way with the cold prevents it.
When you eat take out the pan from the fridge, turn on the oven to 160 degrees and cook for 30 minutes, then take it to the table and serve ..


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