Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Best Depilatory For Genitals


It 's a dish that twenty years ago it became fashionable, when the fresh salmon was much more available on the counters of fishmongers, thanks to the livestock and retail prices dropped. He also knew that these levels that were helping the "good cholesterol HDL ", which is perfectly true, and then was welcomed by all.
Of course, if you do not hear the possibility of buying "fresh ", you can replace it with "smoked ," which is obviously much more salty, and therefore must be kept below the seasoning with salt. Saggiatelo first!

INGREDIENTS for 6 persons: 450 gr Superfino Arborio rice, 300 g fresh salmon (or smoked and sliced \u200b\u200b250 gr) 100 gr butter, fontina cheese 150 gr, 50 gr onion, cream latte fresco liquida (senza conservanti) gr 100; dado per brodo 1; vino bianco secco cc 100; sale; prezzemolo 1 ciuffo tritato.

PROCEDIMENTO : ( se utilizzate salmone fresco ) eliminare la pelle dal pezzo di pesce, eliminare la lisca centrale, le spine e i tendini palpando la carne, quindi tagliarlo a minuti dadini e tenerlo da parte. Nel caso invece di salmone affumicato già a fette, tagliuzzare le fette a minuti quadretti e tenerle da parte. In una pentolina con 1 litro d'acqua calda, sciogliere il dado.
In una padella capace poi di contenere tutto il risotto, mettere una metà del burro, la cipolla tagliata a velo e su fuoco dolce farla imbiondire appena. Aggiungere il riso, mescolare grease to make it in butter, then raise the heat to half and toast for two minutes, then add the wine, let it evaporate and continue cooking, adding broth a ladle at a time.
After ten minutes of cooking, lower the heat, add the cream, salmon into small pieces, stir, then another ladle of broth and fontina cheese in small pieces, still stirring quickly (otherwise fontina becomes a ball), then continue cooking for another 5 / 7 minutes, test the rice (if salt) and finally add the remaining butter, stirring quickly. Transfer the risotto into serving dish, sprinkle the chopped parsley and serve with the bulk cucchiaio da risotti.


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